1 Set Destination Folder 2 Convert 3 Set the target dir for converted files 4 Convert HTML to NCompass format 5 NConvert 6 NCompass Labs Inc. HTML Conversion Utility 7 Target directory is set to %s.\nWould you like to change it? 8 Verify target directory 9 Could not create folder %s. 10 Fatal error! 11 Conversion for file %s has failed.\n 12 Conversion error! 13 Select the folder to receive the converted HTML files. 14 Operation has completed successfully. 15 Operation has failed. 16 NCompass Labs Conversion 17 File(s) already exists. 18 Some files already exist in the target directory. These will be backed up into the directory %s. 19 Replace File 20 Would you like to overwrite file %s? 21 No target directory is selected. Would you like to specify a target directory now? 22 NCBACKUP 23 File is read only! 24 Folder %s contains READ ONLY files. Would you like to\noverwrite, following normal source file backup procedures? 25 Choose folder to receive files from folder %s. 26 Skipping folder %s. 27 SOURCE DIRECTORY 28 Would you like to use the source directory as the\ntarget directory? Overwritten files will be backed up. 29 Overwrite Source?